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Hat-trick by kejriwal in political career

Delhi chief minister makes historic hat-trick of winning election in 2020...

"16 feburary 2020" in Delhi ramlela maidan
All local public of delhi has invited by Arbind kejriwal cheif minister of delhi in his minister ceremony .., in this function 45 thausand public has come , According to this huge number of pubic the security system has alert by delhi police..

Our prime minister  of India has invited as chief guest  "Mr.Narendra Damodar Das Modi"  except her  ,No any other state ministers invite by him .

This Election winning is a really remarkable by" Aam Aadmi Party" total seat in all delhi is 70  he won 62 by "AAP" and rest of 8 by "BJP"  Congress cant open one seat ..

future of Congress party has zero ìn next some year  at this policy ,he need to changes a main leadership's fo Gandhi family  ..

We are not expert in Indian politics but we always follow the party politics  so you all are invited in delhi ram lela maidan ..

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